At the business meeting on Sunday morning, we decided to establish a scholarship fund in memory of Dale Roth. In
the style that has always characterized our class, we agreed to aim for an initial amount of $10,000. Over $1,000
was collected on Sunday morning.
Checks can be sent to
Iowa Mennonite School
1421 540th Street SW
Kalona, IA 52247
Attn: Larry Swartzendruber
marked "Dale Roth Scholarship." Larry has agreed to manage the fund and there will be periodic updates on
the web site.

As of December 17, 2007 . . .
$1550 in Dale Roth Memorial Fund
Remember our goal is $10,000 -- that comes to the grand total of $200 each . . . can we do
it? Whoops! Wrong question. How quickly can we do it???